
Power Gym


Olympia Gallery


Bodystyling Lady's



Activ and Fit aged

Personal - Training







Nutrition is extremely important for your optimal training and should not be underestimated. It may be necessary to change your eating habits slightly in order to train successfully in the fitness center. Everything you eat is either carbohydrate, protein or fat. Cover your calorie needs according to the following rules of thumb.

For Fitness, Power Athletes
we recommend the following composition:

50 - 60% carbohydrates
20 - 30% protein and
10 - 20% fat

Activ and Fit aged

With increasing age, the basal metabolic rate drops, which means that the burning process becomes enormously slower!
Therefore, pay attention to the consumption of carbohydrates and fats from the age of 40 and 50. 60!
If possible, take no or very little carbohydrates in the evening, as otherwise, i recommend you to handle these 2 nutrients moderately to carefully.

The classic fitness plate offers a good alternative to the fast food offers bad overdo fast food eating not!
I recommend to consume max. once a week Fast food Products!

My recommendation for weight loss
( Bodystyling Lady's ) !!! In favor of protein, make sure to reduce your fat and carbohydrate intake:
20-40% carbohydrates
20-40% protein
      5% fat

Vegetables and fruits for
more vitality and health.

Bodybuilder and Powerlifter train more often and are therefore allowed to consume more calories:
50-60% carbohydrates
30-40% protein
  5-10% fat

A balanced diet naturally also includes additional products such as multivitamin, creatine, protein and carbohydrate products etc., for example from Legal Power or our own brands.
I would be happy to advise you at the Bar or in our Shop with recommendations for immediate progress.
The products we offer are BAG (Federal Office of Public Health) tested.

If you want to look good,
you should eat high quality

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