SNBF Natural Bodybuilding Nation at Horgen Switzerland at 10.26.2013 result successful comeback with victory in the Masters - class Over 40! after 8 year's competition break i was stroppy with my new posing-color behind the stage. My good adviser and i we lost a lot of time bevor performance bat with my old snap and fighting spirit on stage the judge are sure i am the winner! by accord around the overall victory with the winner of the class to - 70 kg, - 80 kg and + 80 kg i was underlay because my break in the Off - Season (easy joint trouble July - August) was to long to bid the young Body's! With the decision of the president and judge in 2013 not to take me to the World Championship at Boston i dit not agree! My shape was World Cup fit and my timing just perfect two weeks later aimed at targeting form to present and face the competition! ( Contest-Picture )