

Full Name Stefan Lionel Joseph Gladu
Birthday 18. Januar 1966
Birth Place Longueuil, Montréal QC, Canada
Nationality Canada, Switzerland
Daughter Olivia Irmgard Gladu
Mother (T 1988)
Irmgard Sailer
Father (T 2004)
Normand Gladu
Height, Weight
5'11'', 180/190 lbs
Passenger transportation, Personal Trainer
Fitness-Sport, Bodybuilding
Favorite Actress
Raquel Welch, Julia Roberts
Favorite Actors
Jean-Paul Belmondo, Robert di Niro, Al Pacino,
Clint Eastwood, Mel Gibson
Favorite Car's
Ford Mustang, Dodge Challenger
Favorite Menu
Wiener Schnitzel with Pommes Frites and vegetables
Target World Vision, Bank Cup, Power Gym 1966